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Alternative remedies for heartworm prevention

I get asked this a lot so I figured we should dig in deeper. What do I do to keep my dogs SAFE from heartworm?


That is a great question! What if I told you that you could protect your dog from heartworm with out giving them a monthly chemical that in turn is shortening their lifespan. 


So here are some alternative SAFE options for you!! 


1. Heartworm NOSODES....Information on how they work and ordering can be found here: Heartworm Nosodes | Vital Animal® § The Natural Path


2. HWF information on ordering can be found here: HWF For Dogs | Ditch The Un-Natural Chemicals | Supports A Clean Heart (


3. Homemade bug sprays..We like to use Neem oil, lavender EO, cedarwood EO, lemongrass EO, rose geranium EO, peppermint EO, Rosemary EO,  Organic ACV, & purified/distilled/or OR water. This helps prevent mosquitos from even wanting to be near you or your pet. (Please remember to use 3rd party tested 100% pure essential oils) 


4. Testing your dog TWICE a year for HW. Your vet can do this by blood sample!


5. Not allowing your dog to drink from standing water! For example: puddles, lakes, pools, ponds where mosquitos lay their eggs. 


What happens if your dog tests positive for heartworm?? 


Great question! You have two options:


1. Use the medication your vet prescribes


2. Use natural remedies... some people find HWF to be successful in treating heartworm. Also sometimes combined with other remedies. 


If I give my dog heartworm medicine like Heart Guard prescribed from my vet, does it guarantee that my dog won't get heartworm? 


The answer is No! So if their is a chance either way, wouldn't it be in the dogs best interest to focus on immune boosting, and keeping your dogs immune system intact ready to fight off any illness, parasite, etc? 


Filling your dogs with chemicals meant to kill parasites and bugs not only kills those its trying to kill but also is slowly ruining your dogs body. If we can't safely take Tylenol every day because eventually it will ruin our liver or eventually it will stop working for us. Don't you think the same would happen to your dog? Makes sense to me! To much of anything is dangerous, and long periods of use of chemicals is not safe no matter how you want to swing it. The only safe remedy would be to use natural remedies. 



Information about heartworm:


DIY Heartworm Treatment For Dogs | Dogs Naturally (


Why I Don't Give My Dogs Heartworm Meds (And Why You Shouldn't Either) (


4 Natural Heartworm Prevention Treatment | Keep the Tail Wagging


Drug free heartworm option:





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