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*Note, if any medical emergencies please contact your doctor for further assistance. 


Basic Client Package-Sudden Symptoms

Package is valid for 3 consultations

Consultation 1: Evaluation- This will include face, tongue, nail evaluation, pH urine/saliva, emotional observation, iridology analysis & foundations assessment. Basic recommendations will be given to begin at this time. (This consult is mostly done in person, out of state can be done via video)

You will receive a personalized plan of action with in 48 hours to help you balance your mind, body and spirit. This will cover observations made during our first consultation, foundations to work on, how to help any connected emotions, recommended foods, detoxes, and supplements. 

Consultation 2: This consultation will be at week 4 evaluating your lifestyle changes, and health improvement. You will be 2-3 weeks into your homeopathic protocol (if necessary). Changes to protocol, or lifestyle can be made at this time. This consult can be done via phone or in person. 

Consultation 3: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement on week 8. Your pH will be retested. Further recommendations will be made if not seeing improvement. 

For pain management heat therapy is available. 

Fee: $450 

(Valued at $550, save $100 with this package)

(8 week program)

(Payment plan is offered. Packages are non refundable.)

*All protocols & supplements will be available to our clients at a 10% discount on our online store!

Sudden symptoms may be something that came on suddenly and not something you have been dealing with for a long time such as:

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Stomach pain

  • Exhaustion

  • Sleep issues

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Inflammation in a 

    specific area
  • Diarrhea/Constipation
  • Acid Reflux
  • Yeast


Advanced Client Package-Long term problem solution


Consultation 1: Evaluation- This will include face, tongue, nail evaluation, pH urine/saliva, emotional observation, RBTI testing, iridology analysis & foundations assessment. Basic recommendations will be given to begin at this time. (This consult is mostly done in person, out of state can be done via video)

You will receive a personalized plan of action with in 48 hours to help you balance your mind, body and spirit. This will cover observations made during our first consultation, foundations to work on, how to help any connected emotions, recommended foods, detoxes, and supplements. 

Consultation 2: This consultation will be at week 4 evaluating your lifestyle changes, and health improvement. You will be 2-3 weeks into your homeopathic protocol (if necessary). Changes to protocol, or lifestyle can be made at this time. This consult can be done via phone or in person. 

Consultation 3: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement at week 8. Your pH will be retested. Homeopathic protocol will likely be completed. Others completing the protocol may be added if necessary. Work through any trapped emotions. Further recommendations will be made if not seeing improvement or more areas need attention.

Consultation 4: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement at week 12. Continue working through any trapped emotions. Evaluate lifestyle changes and improvement, make any necessary changes to health plan. 

Consultation 5: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement at week 16. Re-test pH. Continue working through any trapped emotions. Evaluate lifestyle changes and improvement, make any necessary changes to health plan. 

Consultation 6: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement at week 20. Evaluate lifestyle changes and improvement. 

Consultation 7: This consultation will be a re-evaluation on improvement at week 24. Evaluate lifestyle changes and improvement. Retest RBTI. 

*Further Urine/Saliva testing can be done if necessary. Talk to your practitioner about the options that may be beneficial for you. There are additional fees for further testing.

*For pain management heat therapy is available. 

Fee: $997

(valued at $1400, save $403 with this bundle)

(6 month program)

This program me be ideal for anyone whom has been dealing with chronic illness and needs a whole whole body support, and a specific protocol for healing longterm issues such as:

  • Unhealthy relationship with food, over or under eating, cravings, weight gain, weight loss

  • Chronic body pain, inflammation, arthritis

  • Chronic migraines, headaches, foggy brain, memory loss

  • GI disturbances, chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloat, stomach pain, leaky gut

  • Allergies, chronic sinus issues, food intolerance etc.

  • Thyroid or Adrenal issues

  • Immune system dysfunction, auto immune disorders

  • Lymes disease

  • Hormone Imbalance

  • Heavy Metal toxicity

(Payment plan is offered. Packages are non refundable.)

*All protocols & supplements will be available to our clients at a 10% discount on our online store!



RBTI Testing is used by physicians as a more in depth evaluation of your urine and saliva to determine how your body is assimilating nutrients. This test can help us determine what steps need to be taken to help your body find balance to support the bodies natural way of healing. 

RBTI Testing (A la carte)

Fees: $150 for the first test

                   $100 for follow up testing

Additional testing tailored to your needs: 

Adrenal Stress Profile $105

GI-Advanced Profile $384

MycoTOX $275


Detoxification Program 

Before stepping out in the morning, the average person encounters more than 100 chemicals,  and are exposed to over 14 pounds of pesticides, herbicides, food additives, and preservatives in a single year, with these substances being encountered through various daily activities. Our program is designed to support whole body detoxification on a mental, emotional, and physical level. This protocol will help with symptoms related to GI distress & emotional stress.  

  • Health Consultation with Practitioner + including health evaluation (includes 3 consults)

  • Heavy Metals, 21 Toxic, Urine (24-hour) (This test measures the levels of 21 different toxic metals in your urine. It can help identify if you have been exposed to heavy metals and how well your body can detoxify them.)

  • Detox Protocol Kit

  • Health Coach consult (written lifestyle plan+includes 3 consults)

  • 15% discount on the online store for additional supplements if necessary, 5% discount on any supplements in the store. 

Heavy metal toxicity can present a range of symptoms, with manifestations varying based on the type of metal, exposure levels, and individual factors. Common indicators include persistent fatigue, neurological issues such as memory loss and cognitive dysfunction, digestive disturbances like nausea and abdominal pain, joint and muscle pain, mood swings like anxiety, depression irritability, respiratory problems, skin issues such as rashes, a metallic taste in the mouth, cardiovascular complications, kidney dysfunction, and impairments in hearing and vision.

During this protocol we will target:

  • relief of symptoms related to digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, fatigue, and stomach upset

  • relief of symptoms relating to headaches, fatigue, and mood issues

  • relief of symptoms relating to improper breakdown and excretion of allergenic substances, including pain, fatigue, cramping, and upper respiratory allergy

  • relief of symptoms relating to sleep, memory, and emotional issues

  • relief of symptoms related to spine issues including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness, and the inability to hold chiropractic adjustments

  • relief of symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion.

Cost: $1295 (payment plan is available. )

Gut Health Program+ Testing


  • ​​Health Consultation with Practitioner + including health evaluation (includes 3 consults)

  • Metabolomix+  (comprehensive test that looks at important nutritional biomarkers in your body to help identify any potential nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. This test is not available for patients under two years of age.)

  • GI-Map

  • Health Coach consult (written lifestyle plan+includes 3 consults)

  • 15% discount on the online store for additional supplements if necessary. 5% discount for supplements in store . 


Package $1995

Book your consult today!

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