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My vaccine reactions & why I decided vaccines are not for our Family

Remember this blog? I am going to extend in detail....

"Mistake #3 My next biggest mistake was allowing doctors to “get in my head”. When you are a new Mom you are VERY susceptical to being manipulated, especially when it comes to protecting your child. I had went in for my child’s check up and heard “He is due for his vaccines”. I replied with “we are not vaccinating until he is five”. This was an agreement I made with my very pro vax husband (at the time). In my head I thought that vaccine reactions are more rare as they get older. That was actually not true at all. The doctor knew I had never had a vaccine in my life and asked me if I wanted to get the vaccines to “protect” my child. In my head as a 17 year old naive child, I agreed, this made sense. The antibodies would “pass through my breastmilk” to create antibodies for my unvaxxed child. Right? Seems simple enough. Little did I know what I chose to do could affect me negatively my entire life. Some how I was convinced to get “caught up” on my vaccines and get 15 injections (27 immunizations) from 5/8/11 to 6/27/12 (27 of them in less than 13 months) + my last 3 immunisations were in 2015. Oh boy! This was a life changer, blog to follow about what happened next."

When I had my first son I had this paralysing fear that my son would become vaccine injured if I decided to vaccinate. This fear stemmed from my Mother which did not vaccinate me at all. When I asked her why she always responded with "She had a trusted friend with many children that said vaccines cause autism and pleaded with her not to vaccinate". My mother then went on to be anti vax. She eventually became a foster parent and was introduced to many families in which some also made her stance even stronger. She had told me once "I have this friend that has twins and after receiving their 18 months MMR vaccine the one child regressed and is now autistic, the other is fine". When I had my first son I was determined to never vaccinate him in this fear that I would change my son from the child God created him to be by giving him something man created. Could I ever live with myself?

I began my research about vaccines in 2011, I researched the pro and anti side of vaccines and still didn't know "enough". I began more in depth once I realised that the 27 immunisations I had gotten may have just changed my life. One thing doctors don't really cover are the possible lifelong damaging affects that vaccines can have on your body. They aren't just a virus, they are a cocktail of neurotoxins and chemicals that affect your body. They give you a sugar coated vaccine sheet with the mild side affects like "sore arm, headache, fever, etc". They told me since I was an adult I would likely just experience a sore arm. They let me get multiple vaccines at once. My health began to decline. It seemed like shortly after I got my vaccines something would go wrong. But what was targeted the most was my brain and my gut health.

First I began to have chronic migraines, which I never had before. Shortly after I had so much stomach pain that I could not function. Every time I ate I was hunched over in tears. Then it got worse. Every time I drank water I was hunched over in tears to the point I had to go to the doctor. After my ultrasound I found out I had HUGE gall stones that I needed to have removed (another huge mistake btw) turns out your gall bladder does do a job and you do need it. Side note, if I could go back and do a cleanse instead, I would have.

Following my gall bladder removal I eventually got SHINGLES, found out later looking at my record it was shortly after I got more vaccines. And I want to specify that, I was raised unvaccinated and I was VERY healthy all the time. I probably only saw a doctor a handful of times for physicals, once for bronchitis and the other for warts on my hands as a child. After I got over the shingles, I progressively got worse migraines. Never had a migraine before I got any vaccines. Then I started to loose my memory, it progressively got worse. Then I started to get random skin issues, never had any skin issues before beside the warts as a child on my hands. Over the next couple years my brain health got worse. I eventually got to the point I could not explain what was happening to me, but I was regressing mentally. I could not function like I once did. My brain was foggy all the time, I had a hard time forming sentences, I could stare at a menu for hours and not be able to comprehend it, it was hard to communicate what was happening and why I was changing. I began to have social anxiety because I never knew what I was going to say, as I could not keep focused on a conversation and forgot what I was saying as I was talking and could not comprehend what others said to me. It was a struggle and something I will never forget.

One day I did some researching on vaccines and how they affect your brain health and gut health. I decided I was going to make a change and I just wanted to feel normal again. I found TRS! It is a zeolite that binds heavy metals off your brain and organs and safely carries them out of your body. In other words, a type of whole body detox. I ended up doing this for 2 years and still do it to this day. But WOW, I had researched it and found autistic non verbal children that began TALKING. I knew I had to try it. I felt a huge difference after about 6 months which progressively got even better. I began having less migraines, a clear head, I could think again, I could form sentences, I could have conversations with people and remember things again! It was very very exciting! I then went on to do more cleanses. I began detox baths, liver, and colon cleanses, and more. I went from taking medication almost every day to a handful of vitamins. I started to feel like me again. Praise God!

Enough about me now, let me share with you my journey with my first son. When I got shingles, that was the first vaccine I ever allowed. It was the chicken pox shot because once again fear mongering got the best of me. It was only one, and I did not complete the series. If I could go back in time, I would. He did not need that shot. Thanking God that he did not have a reaction, that I knew of. Fast forward to my son turns 5. My husband said "he needs to get his vaccines now", I panicked. I pleaded with him to research. I said "if you do as much research as me and you decide you still want to vaccinate with 100% confidence then I will allow it". I knew in my heart that if he were to do this he would change his mind. I had him watch two documentaries to start and he looked at me and said "you don't have to vaccinate him". I am beyond thankful for a husband that was willing to do his research and be open minded.

I remember when my son was an infant and a lady looked at me and said "When are you going to vaccinate?" and I responded with, "We decided when he turns 5." And she responded with"He could be dead by then". OUCH! So to that lady, I won't mention names, but if you are ever reading this, this kid is 12 and the healthiest kid I have ever seen. My 4th kid is 5 and so very healthy. They do not need toxins and viruses to survive. Believe it or not, God made us all perfect in his image. He did not make us lacking vaccines for survival. He did not make us dependent on man for our health.

I also want to note something so very important! Something that is not talked about often. But needs to be said, you can become vaccine injured at ANY age at any point in your life. Please do your research and read the ENTIRE vaccine insert prior to making a possible life changing decision. It just takes ONE vaccine to affect your health for a lifetime. Not everyone can reverse all the side affects.



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