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Three ways to immunize your pets

I often get asked as a Holistic Breeder & Holistic Health Practitioner, "Do you vaccinate your pets?" The answer to that is not in the way you assume. I don't immunize the way that is normal to our society. But do my pets create immunity? Sure! But how?

Why I don't use chemical vaccines...

Years ago my chihuahua at the time was 3 years old and someone asked me if she was vaccinated and I realised I had never thought about it. So I went to tractor supply got her vaccines and vaccinated her. I never had to take her to the vet because she was never sick. I had already took her everywhere and didn't really understand anything about vaccines, immune systems, how they work, and if she really needed them or not. Why did I do that? I have no idea! It was just "hmmm maybe I should do this, because everyone else does." Around that time, someone asked me if I vaccinate my pets if I don't vaccinate our family. It wasn't till that moment something clicked, and I wondered why I was starting to vaccinate my pets if I don't believe in them. Why I didn't think more of it prior, I have no idea. But sometimes God sends you convictions that make you check yourself and makes you questions the things you do. I honestly felt sick about it. Like why did I do that? So I began researching vaccines for pets more in depth.

A few years later we decided that we may want to try and breed Goldens, not sure where that would lead us but figured we would give it a try and see if it was for us. I began my search for a golden but could not find one that wasn't already vaccinated. I finally found ones that were to young to have vaccines and requested mine to be unvaccinated. The breeder likely thought I was nuts, but I didn't care. I wanted this new puppy to have the best chance at having the best immune system, no neurological behavioural issues, and know exactly who this pup is going to become. So I picked out my pup and never vaccinated her, she was ALWAYS healthy, never needed to see the vet. I began seeing a pattern here the more dogs that we got. I started to notice dogs that go to the vet for a check up, also get vaccines, and then prescription medicine, and continue to go back to the vet for sick visits and so on. I noticed Goldens dying at age 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on when they should easily be able to live till 15. But why? Vaccines do play a huge role in this lifespan but I will expand and say so does the food they eat, the water they drink, the environment they live in, etc.

Once we began breeding and more people knew of me as the holistic breeder who uses natural remedies, I had continuously been approached by families with Goldens telling me horror stories about their Goldens. This ranged from skin issues, allergies, parvo cases, cancer, heart problems, gut issues, chronic diarrhea, neurological issues, death etc. Many of which I questioned what happened prior. This is when I said "Woah, we have a problem", After questioning about vet visits, lifestyle changes, toxins in the home, or outside, flea/tick meds, and more I found a common denominator between all of these cases. These issues happened with in weeks to a couple months following their vaccines. Many people are just not aware of the risks following vaccinations. These issues can range from short term to long term, and can even lead to an early death. I will explain more side affects from vaccines further down in this blog.

I also want to note that this blog is merely to educate you, not to persuade you to change your mind. I entirely just want to help educate but 100% support whatever decision you feel is best your your family.

So as a holistic dog breeder myself to prevent any of this from happening to our puppies, I provide so much information for my puppy owners so they can make an educated decision on every route they choose to ensure their puppy is going to live the longest healthiest life possible. And I would like to share some of that information with you today to help your dog live a long life and be as healthy as possible as well.

Three Ways to Immunize your Pets:

#1 Natural Exposure: This is an awesome way that you can create immunity in your pets safely. For example back in the day, remember chicken pox parties? Your parents would bring you to a "party" so you can get chicken pox from someone who had it and build your immunity from that. Some of the kids didn't always get chicken pox, some got it mild, and some had a full blown case. But regardless if they had it or not they were exposed and depending on how strong their immune system was, determined how bad they got it, how quickly they recovered, and if they got it at all.

The key to natural exposure is doing it SLOW. You have to give your immune system time to recognise the virus, process it, create antibodies to it and then move forward from it. The dog can yes, get the virus and fight it and then create immunity, or recognise the virus, show no symptoms or mild symptoms and then create antibodies. This method can be scary for people. Why? Because many people don't know how to treat the disease, and there for have a scare, and a hefty vet bill. So to majority of people choose to avoid this option.

This is actually my favorite and the one we choose to do personally. Why? Because I have been taught to not treat the disease but to support the immune system based off the symptoms. So I have all the emergency herbs, vitamins, supplements, etc that I would need on hand to treat the symptoms to help my dogs recover. I also try not to make decisions based off fear. So when I am fearless, this choice seems much easier. And so far has shown us great success.

I would like to add another blog on how to do slow exposure and the proper steps to take here soon!

*Here is a neat personal example I would like to share regarding natural immunity: You know that 100% unvaccinated dog I was talking about? She had a litter of puppies, one of these pups went to a breeder home where she did NOT vaccinate her at all (also a holistic family). Around 2 years old she got her titers done and the dog created immunity to parvo, distemper, and adenovirus. It is important to note that the dog had better immunity than the other dogs she had that came to her with previous vaccines. In, 2022 she has redone them again all again, BOTH her 100% unvaccinated dogs created more immunity than both of her previously vaccinated dogs. The dog she got from me, and the daughter of that dog. Now, this is Grandma (no vaccines), Mom (no vaccines), and daughter (no vaccines) and STILL IMMUNITY is being created! How neat! So here is a theory. The dogs both came in contact with parvo/distemper/adenovirus and created immunity through natural exposure, OR the dogs created immunity through great grandparents and it is passed down from Mom then to baby. HOWEVER, these dogs are creating immunity somehow.

#2 Homeopathic Nosodes: This is one that I recommend highly to any of my puppy families that are afraid to not vaccinate at all. The philosophy of homeopathy is that "like cures like". Nosodes are an inactivated highly diluted energy form of the virus. I have seen many people use Parvo nosodes to cure Parvo and Distemper nosodes to help cure Distemper. But while using nosodes can help cure an active virus, it also helps prevent them as well. Similar to a vaccine but with no nasty side affects, and no harmful neurotoxins/chemicals. Homeopathy works on a cellular level. However, although they protect they will not show up on a titer test as antibodies. They do not protect via antibodies. So this can be confusing to some people.

#3 Vaccines: Vaccines are designed to hopefully create antibodies from alive or inactivated viruses, but unfortunately although it likely had good intent from the beginning it has gone astray of the goal "do no harm". Vaccines are now a toxic cocktail of things, from DNA from other species, mercury (thermisol), aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, chick embryo, foreign animal tissues: chick embryo, bovine serum, human fetal lung tissue (from aborted babies), monkey kidney tissue, porcine tissue, eggs, insect proteins, glyphosate from GMO-fed animals then used for vaccine growth medium (eggs, bovine and porcine tissue), insect viruses (Armyworm), Rotavirus and more. Unfortunately this is a list from HUMAN vaccines, and when I went to my vet for the vaccine inserts she came out with no ingredients listed not even in the original packaging of each vaccine. She told me to call the company directly and request the ingredients. When I called they informed me that they can not give me that information, however I can ask one by one if this specific ingredient is used and they can say yes or no. The only problem with that, is I still wouldn't know what was all inside it, and they have unique names for each ingredient so you wouldn't even know what it was until you researched it. So, if these horrifying ingredients that cause cancer, gene modification, auto immune disorders and more are in human vaccines, imagine what is in our pets vaccines, likely this and possibly even more.

The lack of transparency is what concerns me. But not only that but what surrounds the entire industry. Did you know that you can not sue the vaccine manufacture or your vet/doctor for any vaccine injury or even death from a vaccine? The fact that this is even the case is horrifying. Why? If they trust these to be safe, then why can we not sue? We can sue for injuries from medications and new drugs, why not vaccines that have lasting affects because it's INJECTED into your body.

The vaccine industry market value is 61.6 billion as of 2022, the pet vaccine industry market value was at 12.8 billion in 2022. For humans the payout is around $5 billion for vaccine injuries for the people that could afford to fight it. Which is not common because it is so costly, and they may try to cover it up and deny you. Both of these continue to grow as years to come. I am unaware of any payouts for pet owners unfortunately.

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

What I see from the outside is tons of people and pets getting artificial & toxic ingredients injected into their body and then expect to see health. Health will not ever come from anything artificial, nor any type of toxin. But the worst part about all of it, is it's accumulating in ALL of our bodies, and our pets bodies. It's not just in vaccines, its in our food, it's in vitamins, it's in the clothes we wear, it's in the water we drink, the chemicals we use in our home, the air we breathe and in the environment. Our bodies were simply not designed for all of this. BUT, as we continue to educate and make better decisions about our health, we can HELP our bodies to do as designed, and support our bodies to self heal.

What are some vaccine reactions your dog may experience:

Vaccines reactions may seem mild, such as slightly puffy skin around the shot location, while others can be as moderate to severe as:

  • chronic skin allergies

  • seizures

  • respiratory disease

  • post-vaccinal encephalitis or polyneuritis

  • anaphylaxis

  • arthritis

  • myocarditis

  • glomerulonephritis

  • thyroiditis

  • aggression

  • autoimmune disorders

  • chronic ear infections

  • neurological issues

  • lethargy

  • digestive issues

  • immune-mediated thrombocytopenia

  • anxiety

  • dysplasia

  • death

  • brain inflammation/swelling

  • injection site sarcomas

  • facial edema

  • autoimmune diseases

  • cancer

Please remember it only take ONE vaccine to cause a LIFE-LONG VACCINE INJURY, No vaccine is "one size fits all" and NO VACCINE IS "SAFE". For me personally the risks of vaccinating with a vaccine is way more risky than not vaccinating at all. Their are pros and cons to each of course, but I truly do trust the way God designed our bodies to fight disease. I trust that he can heal anything, even the incurable. I see it as if my dog were to come in contact with a disease their is a 50/50 change the dog would get the virus, but if I vaccinated my dog their is also a 50/50 chance of getting the virus. Vaccines do not equal immunity and they never will. Because each dog is different. They have different genetics and respond differently. So even if you get this vaccine, their is still a chance that no antibodies were created which means you can still get the disease, but also that now you are at higher risk of getting cancer, and a list of adverse side affects just from this one shot also. The risk just doesn't make sense to me personally.

Many times more severe vaccine reactions happen weeks, months or even years down the road. BUT, because it took so long to manifest or show up they will say it couldn't possibly be from the vaccine. This would be part of why we live in such a sick nation. So many people/pets are in pain, living with chronic illness, headaches/migraines, gut issues, etc and have no idea the cause. Although there are so many things contributing factors to the way they feel, many times vaccines can be the origin. Vaccines destroy your gut health, make your organs work overtime, affect your brain health (clarity of mind, brain racing, brain fog, etc) and eventually lead to so much confusion inside your body that you now have an autoimmune disorder. This is the same for your pets. So please do your research and choose wisely if you truly want to find health.


Our nation feeds on fear and all the deep pockets know it. If they just create fear in you, especially of losing something you love, they can convince you to do just about anything. Fear consumes us, it affects our ability to process, think, and weigh good decision making. Covid was a perfect example of this, and you saw how many people were injured from those vaccines. But we all want the same thing, right? To live a long happy healthy life. You know what helped me overcome fear? Education. The more I educated on the subject I no longer questioned my ability to make a good decision. BUT, when I didn't know anything "I trusted the professionals". The only hard part about "trusting the professionals" is that their entire education is funded by the people charging you a ridiculous amount of money for things they are creating fear in you to get. "Never make any decision while you are fearful."

So here is how I see this viscous cycle: Create fear in the people-->Sell them a product to help with the fear that you created-->Now you have sick people from the product you sold--> Treat the sick person with another product, create another illness-->Now cover up the symptoms with more medication--> Finally, you have a patient with chronic disease, you have a patient for a lifetime. -->This in turn equals more $$$$$.

So where did this begin? How did we get here? ..........FEAR!

I will encourage you all to take time before you act, and weigh the pros and cons. But not only from government sites, or medical sites that say "they are safe and affective" but are also the ones funding the studies, providing the fear, and feeding our minds with commercials and advertisement to convince us of something. But to look around at other unbiased sources to weigh these pros and cons. Because once you feel confident in your decision, once you realise how the body works, how it heals, what it needs to stay healthy and self heal, once you study how the immune system works, and how to properly treat sickness. You won't have anything else to fear, you will be able to make a sound decision of your OWN. Please be mindful of sources, who has something to gain? and who has nothing to gain other than to see you healthy? Pay attention to motives.

I educate because I love you all! I love all your pets! I want to see you all be healthy, I want you and your pets to live long healthy lives. This is free information for YOU, I am not selling you anything, I am simply educating. I have lived and learned and I don't want anyone else to suffer the way I have, or gone through the heart break I have. I am a deep thinker so you get all my well thought out thoughts. I am excited to continue to learn with you!

Regardless of your decision, we have the same goal. To have a healthy pet that lives long! So I will be adding another blog on how to use vaccines "safer" for your pets if you choose to vaccinate still. In the end, the choice is yours, but if you choose that route, I want to see you do it with as little risk as possible.

Elizabeth Bostick HHP, HC

September 12, 2023


Ebook – Vaccinosis, the Mark of the Beast

Vaccinosis Part 1 -Pat Jordan

What Are The Dangers Of Over Vaccination?

The truth about vaccines: (find the whole series and watch)


Vaccine induces Disease:



Whats in your dogs vaccines:

n.a. (Sept 2023) Vaccine compensation.



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