How to detox your body
I get this question quite often. How do I detox? Well their are many components to detoxing. But I want to start out by explaining what we are even detoxing from?
We are detoxing from toxins. Toxins are poisonous substances that are specific products of our metabolic activities and are usually unstable and notably toxic when introduced to our tissues. These toxins are capable of inducing antibody formation as well.
What does it mean to detoxify, you ask?
To detox it means to remove a harmful substance such as a poison or toxin or the effects of them.
In other words, detoxification is the process of bringing a toxic body back to balance by eliminating the poisons that are overloading our bodily organs and upsetting our equilibrium.
Now that we understand what a toxin is, how do these toxic substances get inside our bodies?
Homes (off gassing of furniture, fragrance sprays, cleaning chemicals, candles, wax melts, etc)
Environment (air, water, bath/body products, vaccines, cleaning chemicals, etc)
Soil (air pollution, pesticides, etc)
Food (pesticides, processed foods, synthetic ingredients, dyes, GMO's, etc)
Direct contact
*Did you know that 110 million Americans live in areas with levels of pollutants that are considered harmful according to the Federal Government?
*Did you know only 10% of 35,000 pesticides introduced since 1945 have been tested for their effects on people?
Only OURSELVES can choose to cleanse our bodies from toxins.
We must be ready physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in order to completely change our lifestyles and cleanse our bodies from these toxins. It is important to remember that as we cleanse physical toxins from our bodies we also release emotional toxins as well. Detoxing from harmful substances can go hand in hand with cleansing emotions and emotional events that have been toxic to us as well.
There are many different methods to detox the body.
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Native American Traditions (such as herbs, sweat lodges, & spiritual healing)
European Detox Techniques (Hydrotherapy/bath therapy, clay baths, herbalism)
Biblical fasting
Fasting (drink 50% or more of your body weight in oz of water)
TRS (zeolite that binds heavy metals and safely carries them out of your body)
Get the BULLS open (Bile
Here are some recommendations that help promote cleansing:
Colonics/enemas/colon therapy
Energy work
Color therapy
Oil pulling techniques
Emotional Cleanse
Parasite Cleanse
Detox Baths
Our detox pathways are our:
Digestive tract
Respiratory system
Lymphatic system
Also very important to remember that our skin is our LARGEST organ and absorbs everything. Be mindful of what you are putting on it!
I hope you are very successful on your detoxing journey!
Elizabeth Bostick
Holistic Health Practitioner
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Hovis B. Detoxification and Cleanses. Retrieved from Trinity School of Natural Health
