How Heavy Metals are affecting our Health
Heavy metals are a hot topic. Many people don't understand what risk they have on our health. I have first hand experienced what an overload of heavy metals did to my brain and it is scary to think that people are dealing with these symptoms every day and they have no idea.
So first, what are some heavy metals to be aware of?
Aluminum (not as heavy, but when accumulated it is a risk)
First, it's important to say that heavy metals may be needed in the body BUT only in very small trace amounts. The concern would be how these metals are accumulating in our bodies.
Heavy metals are in many products that we use everyday, even products we use on our bodies. They are also in the food that we eat and the water we drink.
Aluminum can be found in:
Canned food, and drinks
Aluminum foil
Hair dyes
Contaminated water
Baking Powder
Aluminum toxicity health risks include:
Alzheimer's disease
parkinsons disease
kidney dysfunction
dental cavities
neuromuscular disorders
Just to name a few. We are injecting Aluminum, ingesting, and absorbing it. This is where the risk is! It's just TOO MUCH!
I'll do another for an example....
A heavier metal that many people are aware of is Mercury.
Mercury can be found in:
Pharmaceutical drugs including heart medications
Amalgam fillings
Laxatives that contain colamel
Hemorrhoid suppositories
Some paints
Some cosmetics
Inks for some printers and some tattoo ink
Small amounts of mercury can be found in fabric softener, wood preservatives, solvents, some plastic
Contaminated fish (some blue fish, blue crab, shark, tuna, marlin, salmon, etc)
Health risks of mercury include:
Cognitive & memory problems
Gastrointestinal disorders
Depression & anxiety
Irrational behavior
Fatigue, insomnia
Numbness, tingling, muscular weakness
Impaired vision, and hearing
Allergic conditions (esp. wheat)
Tremors, palpitations
Multiple sclerosis
Just to name a FEW.
Let's discuss Adrenal fatigue!
Your adrenal glands are there to help your body create hormones that help maintain salt balance in our tissues and blood, they also help with stress response, metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and more!
Your adrenal function needs to be pretty close to normal or you will begin to retain metals. The adrenal glands play an important role in handling metals inside your body.
What are symptoms of adrenal fatigue?
Extreme exhaustion
Weight loss
Low blood sugar
Dizziness upon standing
Salt cravings
Patches of darker skin
Body aches
Trouble sleeping
Digestive issues
So where to go from here.....
You need to detoxify the toxins inside your body!
First address any Adrenal Fatigue if this pertains to you.
Stop all stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol, soda)
Begin taking Zinc or eat foods with naturally occurring zinc. (Many adrenal activities require zinc)
Monitor blood sugar levels
Some common supplements that help balance the adrenals are ashwaganda, borage oil, alfalfa, ginseng)
Address emotions (Bach flowers can be helpful)
Hydrate with water!
Sauna (sweat it out!)
Eliminate candida overgrowth
When detoxing from heavy metals, parasites, environmental toxins, modifying your diet to eliminate stimulants, strengthening your adrenal glands, addressing emotional issues that cause stress, etc. Please be aware that you can feel worse before you feel better. This is part of the normal healing process. What your body is doing is right. It is putting its energy toward releasing toxins and healing organs and systems that need to be repaired and that is far more important than feeling good. Feeling good will come as toxins are removed and organs are healed, when true HEALTH is restored!
Kearns, Ann. 2022, April 16. Adrenal fatigue: What causes it? Retrieved from:,that%20are%20essential%20to%20life.
NIHH NIDDK. n.d. Adrenal Insufficiency & Addison's disease. Retrieved from:,other%20conditions%2C%20among%20other%20causes.
Johns Hopkins Medicine. n.d. Adrenal Glands. Retrieved from: glands#:~:text=Adrenal%20glands%2C%20also%20known%20as,stress%20and%20other%20essential%20functions.
Hovis, Beth. Heavy Metals. Retrieved from: Trinity School of Natural Health
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