Guide to using Homeopathy
Homeopathy recognizes the importance of the whole person: body, mind and spirit.
A homeopathic remedy is a very dilute energy medicine that originates from plants, minerals, animals, and other natural sources. The original source material is diluted in water until only the frequency or energy of the substance is left. It works by the idea of “like cures like” from Hering’s Law of Similars. This law states that a substance that causes symptoms when introduced to a healthy individual can also heal the same symptoms in an individual who is ill. This energetical remedy is used to free the blockage in our vital force so that our body can begin to heal.
Homeopathic remedies work with your body on a cellular level. They are generally safe for adults, children, unconscious people, animals and plants. It is generally free of contradiction with medications (please speak with your doctor prior). Homeopathy has been used worldwide for centuries successfully even in times of epidemics. It has gone through double blind testing and is systemized - follows the rules of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, and around the world. Homeopathy is also FDA regulated.
*Homeopathic remedies become more energized and powerful the more diluted they are.
Homeopathy practices:
Clinical homeopathy is a combination of remedies given to a sick individual
Constitutional homeopathy is rooted on the understanding of the person's basic energetic state, when this basic energy imbalance is corrected, any unwanted symptoms disappear.
Classical homeopathy matches the individual as a whole (symptoms & personality) with the most similar homeopathic remedy. This treatment is individualized and involves only using one single remedy at a time.
When do you use homeopathic remedies?
First Aid- complications that need immediate attention for example: nose bleeds, sprained ankle, trauma (bruise, bump, etc), broken bone.
Acute- issues that have a short incubation period. These issues will have a short duration of a few hours, days, or weeks. For example cold or flu.
Chronic- complications a person has struggled with for a long period of time.
Precautions for storing homeopathic remedies
Temperature (keep all remedies out of direct sunlight.
Energy fields (keep remedies away from electromagnetic fields such as cell phones, computers, microwaves, electronics). They can make the remedies useless.
It is safest to store all your homeopathic remedies together separate from essential oils (anything with a strong smell), medicines, or anything that may potentially antidote it.
When choosing a homeopathic remedy always use strong observation skills. Observe how symptoms may change. You can use a Materia Medica and Repertory to help you be more exact on the characteristics of each remedy. A persons sensitivity or constitution can determine how their body responds to the remedy.
*Avoid drinking coffee while using homeopathic remedies if you are not a regular coffee drinker.
How to carefully choose a homeopathic remedy:
Observe the symptoms of the ill person. If many of the symptoms match, focus on the most unique symptom.
An individual does not need to have every symptom listed for a particular remedy in the Materia Medica. Choose the remedy that closest matches the person.
If unsure follow a known protocol or a combination remedy.
Important reminders:
Never touch a remedy with your hands (put them in the cap and dump them in your mouth)
It is preferred to dose one remedy four times before trying another one.
For acute illnesses it is best to use 30c and 200c
For chronic cases 6c is often used
Homeopathy History & Uses, Ameling J. Trinity School of Natural Health
Homeopathy History & Uses, Ameling J. Trinity School of Natural Health
The complete book of homeopathy handbook, by Miranda Castro
Homeopathy, Beyond Flat Earth Medicine, by Timothy Dooley
The world Travellers' Manual of Homeopathy, by Dr. Colin B. Lessell
